
Friday, August 14, 2009

Bee the Corn

I just spent two weeks in the Midwest, and although my eyes were opened to the wonders of the prairie and corn field, the internet services weren't so great. I will be replacing the deer photos recently posted to better quality versions soon.

August 16th: deer photos have been reposted.


  1. Beautiful! So this is where you are from? Are any of the plants in these photos native to the midwest?

    Sometime when it's not so late I will tell you my theory of primary and secondary ecosystems - like primary and secondary languages - and we will see if it applies to you.

  2. I grew up in Florida although my folks are from and many of my summers were spent in Minnesota. Been in California over 25 years and sometimes when I go back to FL & MN, I am surprised at how much I don't know in those familiar places. Wallace Stegner has some interesting things to say about people's upbringing and how they approach the world. The prairie in the 2nd photo was planted by my dad several years ago with native seed from locally-collected sources. I interviewed him while I was visiting and took loads of photos, so it will be a future restoration blog.

  3. I want to hear what your father says about the results of restoration.

  4. My dad doesn't like the thistles that continue to come up in portions of his prairie. I look at how beautiful the variety of flowers and grasses are and think he is getting distracted by the little things. But I am pretty much thistle-obsessed too, so guess it runs in the family.


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