
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Coyote Storytelling Event

I've been invited to lead a storytelling evening:

The Coyote Brush Highway
South Skyline Association General Meeting 
Friday, January 27, 2012, 7:00 pm
Saratoga Summit Fire Station

"Mountain resident and biologist, Cindy Roessler, will tell a story and share photos about her recent encounters with a family of coyotes on the Dipper Ranch in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  Coyote (aka the Trickster, the Western Songdog and many other names) inspires stories of wonder, frustration and imagination.  Bring your coyote stories and let's share an evening of real tails and tall tales."

We are scheming ways to make this an event where community members can actively participate.  If you are a resident of the Santa Cruz Mountains, please bring stories, poems, questions, howls, artwork or whatever you want to share about our local wild dogs.

The evening will start with a 7:00 pm social hour - bring a dessert to share and we may have a small project (with a coyote theme of course) for you to play. The South Skyline Association will provide beverages.  At 7:30 pm, the Association will elect new board members.  When the official business is done, Cindy will tell a story and then invite community members to share their coyote stories for the next hour.

Directions:  The Saratoga Summit Fire Station is located on the west side of Skyline Boulevard approximately one mile north of the intersection of Skyline Boulevard and Highway 9.  Bring a flashlight as it might be necessary to park along dark Highway 9.  12900 Skyline Boulevard, Los Gatos, Santa Clara County, California.  Note that this fire station is not actually in the town of Los Gatos but is 30 miles away in the mountains.  Check directions and make sure you want to come this far before you leave.

If you are looking for the original and longer story with more photographs, you can find it on this blog in three parts here:
Stumbling onto a Coyote Den:  the incidental merits of fighting yellow starthistle
Coyote Brush Highway
Coyotes to the Wind


  1. This post makes we want to jump on a plane and support your evening! But that's not exactly good carbon karma. Hope it all goes well. Best Wishes, Graeme

  2. The coyote storytelling event was fantastic. I greatly enjoyed spinning a short version of The Coyote Brush Highway and then the stories came pouring out of the audience. They told some doozies! Everyone was so lively and engaged, it gives me a greater appreciation of my community and the lure inspired by coyotes.

  3. I would have loved to go to this, but it's a bit far away, at night, and at a place we've never been before (read: we'd probably have gotten lost). I bet the stories were great. Did anyone mention chickens? - I'm only half-joking.

  4. Yep, loss of family chickens came up. Other residents mentioned that there is a lot of info on internet about making coyote safe enclosures. There were a lot of funny and some nerve-wracking stories about coyote interactions with domestic dogs.


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