
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

30 Years of Conservation

Bringing the outside inside.
Ok, office moved. Attitude shifted. Now I'm ready to start my third decade of land conservation.

Who let the biologist out of the bag?

Nothing like a day outside to keep one inspired.

It's hard to stay focused and inspired for thirty years, especially when it involves hard physical work, but it helps to have good tools and helpful partners and beautiful vistas and curiosity . . .
And thanks to M3onkey's new exercise class, I've moved up to the big-daddy of brush cutters, the steel-bladed Stihl 450. Yep, this is your reminder that we are in the peak of thistle weeding and mowing your defensible space.  Here's a few links to prior posts on thistle control and mowing.  I hope they help you add another decade.

Thistle Logic

Mowing Thistles

Protecting Wildlife While Mowing

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