
Friday, March 28, 2014

Bioblitz - First 12 Hours

Meadow vole at the trailside breakfast place.   
First thing we saw today as we walked 60 grade school kids out for their research surveys on the National Park Service Bioblitz was a meadow vole eating its breakfast on a trail of Rancho Corral de Tierra in Montara, California. Later, one of the kids asked me if plants talk to each other.  Besides the usual diversity of plants and animals on the beautiful San Mateo coast, we saw a rare plant, a rare
frog, and had fun with I-Naturalist. Tomorrow, we lead inventory hikes for the public.  More later.

California red-legged frog - threatened species   
We didn't see the endangered San Francisco gartersnake at Mori Point, but it was fun to learn the native peoples' name for this beautiful snake.   
Hickman's cinquefoil, Potentilla hickmanii, an endangered plant that only grows in two places in the whole world.   
We joined the rocking girl scientist team in the afternoon at Mori Point in Pacifica, CA.
Not a bad office, eh?
Using I-Naturalist to record the biodiversity of the beautiful San Mateo coast.   


  1. I am so happy when I hear of kids being outside... I would love to have been there..Michelle

  2. Most excellent. Glad you all are spotting unusual and not-easy-to-see species on these blitzes. That's high value for engaging participants. :)

    Oh - and your comp on that rlf shot is top notch.


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