
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Fox Tails

Alarm signal?   
With such long tails, gray foxes undoubtably use them to communicate aggression, submission and other messages to each other.

Slinking away from mom fox on the right?   
Photos capture some wildlife behavior, but as a single point in time, it is hard to use them to interpret the interactions and messages going back and forth. Videos provide more context, but the best way to learn wildlife body language is probably through repeated and unobtrusive direct observation, especially by trained wildlife biologists.

Relaxed travel?  
The photos posted here are of different tail expressions by the fox pups with some wild guesses on communication among the family members. I hope to get more opportunities to observe gray foxes in the future to learn their tail language.

Top - mom tail  
Bottom - pup tail   
The smallest pup did not have a fluffy tail like the rest.
I suspect the other pups of chewing on the small pup's tail.  
I call this the question mark tail.   
The almost attack tail.  
Now I want a tail.

Common gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus

1 comment:

  1. The are great photos. What a fun way to watch the little foxes.


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